Yes, it is Drew's turn to post, and he asked me to do it for him, and I am happy to do it. Of course, this means he will have to accept the consequences of anything I say about him.
Growing up in as a Glover child has a special set of memories. I am hoping that by reminding all of you of some of those special times, you will add your own insights. For the moment, this is the list of things, I believe Drew enjoyed about his early years:
- Collecting eggs from the chicken coop, except when the neighbor shot a skunk inside the coop, and the smell was too nasty to even get close for a long time
- Climbing the knoll and collecting fossils along the way
- Fishing in Meyer's pond
- Nearly drowning in the backyard mud hole/swimming pool
- Tree house in the poplar tree
- Chore charts
- Family Home Evening charts
- Sniffling, grunting, clearing his throat -- whatever it took to get a rise out of his older sister
- Chasing his little brother through the house until one of them was injured
- Sewing some of his own school clothes, because the stores did not have what he wanted
- Playing percussion in school band, including engineering and building a set of chimes for a concert
- Roller blading
- 1st kiss -- middle school drama
- 2nd kiss -- high school drama
- 3rd kiss -- Eryka, do you want to tell us about that?
- Family vacations -- Disneyland, Yellowstone Park, Montana, Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota, Nauvoo, Washington D.C.
- Black eye in middle school from taunting the baseball catcher (about 5 times his size!)
- Coyotes, deer, skunks, colt birthing, etc. in the fields around our house.
Next we have a list of the experiences which Drew's children appreciate about Blanding:
- playing with cousins
- playgrounds
- jumping on the neighbor's trampoline
- watching Scooby Doo
- Grandpa playing the guitar and singing
- Lake Powell
- Blanding swimming pool
- Cortez Rec. Center
- Kittens and cats
- Grandma's treat bowl
- Marshmallow roast in the backyard
Nobody comments anymore! What up, people?
Happy retirement, Mom! Now it is official. Thanks for the retirement day outing yesterday.
We all have lots of great memories growing up in the Glover household, not all including broken bones and black eyes. Thanks for reminding us of some of them.
I loved growing up in Blanding. I have good memories of a lot of the things Mom posted, and other things, like making bed sheets into hammocks in the orchard, finding "secret places" along the ditch, playing in the ditch, cleaning rocks from the dirt road and trying to sell them to neighbors, riding bikes into town to buy alligator jaws and Fresca. The list could go on and on.
I am really enjoying experiencing new things in a new place with my little family, but I am suddenly thinking we watch way too much t.v. and wishing we had a huge back yard.
Growing up on Flour mill road was awesome. I also remember raising every kind of animal imaginable rabbits, dogs, cats, chickens, pigs, gerbils, birds, fish, not to mention all the other animals all around us. Maybe that is why I don't want to have animals in my house now, I was burned out as a kid taking care of them.
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